Live Tweeting

 Live Tweeting

During this last Homecoming weekend here at ONU I was indeed very busy or as some would say, had a lot on my plate. Not only did I have an exhibition game at Butler University. Predicted to lose by a lot we managed to fight and keep the game within 30. The experience was great, I mean we had 6000 people in attendance. Therefore the only day I was able to live tweet an event was that Friday. Good thing they showed a choir concert which I was able to attend. It was nice going out and seeing something I normally do not get to see on campus and I do believe I will be back.

    At first, I was very skeptical about it but once I sat down and got into it I started enjoying it a lot. The different tones and the harmony of each piece are truly incredible when one puts it into perspective. The only instrument used besides the vocal cords of the singers was a piano. My favorite part was when they included some solos. I personally think I would get too nervous standing up in front of so many people and singing. I did not particularly enjoy the live tweeting portion though as I was more worried about sending enough updates than actually enjoying the show. But again, I was there to market it and not to enjoy it so no reason to complain. Being on top of your tweets, giving them a heads up and a good closing maybe even a link to where one can find more information are all things vital to seeing success.

    This brings me to one final question to wrap things up. Did you guys go through this same experience? Marketing through X is not my preferred way. Not only do I have to post more frequently but it is also not as convenient for me as Instagram. Maybe this is because I personally do not use X for anything. Depending on what your target market is one might want to use X as it can reach a different niche. Homecoming is a great weekend for this assignment, however, I believe the best event would be a sports game as there are continuous updates.


  1. Glad you enjoyed the choir concert! If you don't use X much it is very difficult to enjoy live tweeting.


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