Fall Break

Fall break did indeed creep up on me. It seems just yesterday that I moved into my room and said goodbye to my parents. Nothing the less I was very happy when Fall break finally did come around the corner. School is no joke as you guys probably know. A lot going on at the moment, exams coming up, projects and papers due and on top of that athletics is starting to pick up. We must remember to keep track of what needs to be done as with so much going on at once it is very easy to forget the little things. I wonder who might have forgotten to blog as we were all busy during this weekend.

    Fall break was great! I got to go home with one of my friends and we were busy to say the least. Got in Friday night and immediately went to play pickleball. After getting done around 1:00 AM we had some Dennis and called it a night. The very next morning we got on the courts again. It was lots of fun if you couldn't tell. After that we went to get a haircut and primed the walls of the house his family will be moving into soon. Working with friends, and having a laugh made it enjoyable although I do not think it is something I want to do on a daily. Besides meeting his family and friends who were all lovely people we got in the gym and actually saw some friends from school. We watched some football games and discussed what might be the hardest sport to play. After a long discussion, we agreed on boxing or ice hockey. 

    Yes, the long weekend was packed with lots of great activities and adventures and therefore flew by in the blink of an eye. So it was upsetting when this morning we had to get up early pack our things and head back to school for practice. Not ideal to say the very least. However, now we must think about the good times back at school and all the great things we have to look forward to. And trust me. Soon enough we will all be cleaning our rooms, packing out things and getting ready to leave for Winter break. This year my parents are planning on coming up for a week or two which I am eagerly awaiting. See you back in class !!!


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