Music Is Everywhere !!

 I was not sure what I was going to write about this week. As I was in my room thinking I had some music playing in the background and realized that music is found everywhere we go. It even goes back in history drawing inspiration from various cultures. Music is a beautiful thing, I personally listen to it every day. It has the power to change your mood in different ways. Among these are motivating you, calming you down, making you feel happy, bringing you to tears, soothing you to sleep and plenty of other ways music can have an impact on you. 

    Interestingly enough music used to be perceived in a very different way. Back before the MP3 player or even records the only way to listen to music was live and in person. Nowadays you see people having their earbuds in while working out, studying, walking around campus and eating. I personally have been to live performances and I must admit that they are better than streaming it online. It is a far more immersive experience giving you an extra kick of feelings. However, going to a concert every time you want to listen to a song would be pretty inconvenient and so the phone solves that problem every day. One thing I would like to draw your attention to is to genres. When people talk about music one thing that always comes up is what one's favorite genre is. This made me think and while I do have a genre that I prefer I am able to distinguish good music. What I am trying to say is even if one plays a song from a genre that I might not particularly like I am able to show appreciation for good music. I am not sure why this is the case but the only reasonable explanation is my musical background. Both my parents played instruments in a band. Funny enough this is actually somewhat of the story of how they met. Anyway, I played many instruments myself growing up and have been in love with music and its different forms for as long as I can remember.

    Perhaps this is the reason I appreciate many forms of music, maybe not who knows? I often wonder if others feel the same way about their experiences with music. I also believe lots of people listen to music but do not appreciate it for what it really is. It is a complex puzzle of many elements that all blend together to produce something that amazes the individual to a point where you will know entire songs by heart. Take a step back and let it sink in and you will be introduced to a new song. If not, then no worries just keep enjoying your music however you feel is right!


  1. Well written, Markus! I tend to listen to music a lot in my free time and I live to dive deeper than just listening to the music as well. I think it's important for people to understand the different elements that go into music. I believe it would truly make music more enjoyable for everybody!

  2. I really enjoyed this blog as music is practically in every part of my life. I listen to music more than I am not listening to music because how it helps with everything I am doing.

  3. Markus,

    Loved reading this blog and think that music impacts us all more than we know! Listening to music has become really therapeutic in my life and I will think a little bit deeper into it now.
    - Drew Butera


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