Chapter 2: Developing Your Personal Brand

 Developing Your Personal Brand

In Chapter 2 we learn about what your personal brand is, what it means, and how can use one to his or her advantage. Some of you might even be asking yourself why you need a Personal Brand. Hopefully, this blog will help you understand this on a deeper level. Your Personal Brand is in other words, a brand that describes You. There is a step process one can follow to help you get started. Once completed this can help when setting up an online presence which again helps with networking and marketing amongst many other benefits.

At first, one must identify a few things. Find your target audience by asking questions like what job do I want who do I want to work for and what am I selling. Next is a vision and purpose. This can help you keep going when times are tougher and also shows others that you have a plan and motto and therefore seem more likely to become successful in your endeavors. The two steps following are coming up with some values and determining one's passion. The values are big as other CEOs will look at this amongst investors, clients, customers and many more so make sure you pick good ones that you truly believe in. Determining one's passion is another factor that will help you along the way. Determining goals that are achievable is key to not loose focus and grit. After finding ones goal one should look to find some brand attributes which is another way of saying words that define your value and personality. Crucial to any success one must use the SWOT technique and act on this constantly. By doing so you will grow and keep on growing. Finally, you look at competitors, how you stack up, and how you can separate yourself. Do not forget that you can learn from competition, just because you do not like them does not mean they have bad ideas. 

After completing all of this you must have learned quite a bit about yourself. So come up with three words that describe you. These words can be used when talking to other people no matter of higher or lower standards to show that you put thought and energy into yourself. Having a personal brand helps with social media marketing yes. but it does so much more. In my opinion, it also helps you realize who you really are whilst pushing you to think outside the box. Once you figure yourself out and are at peace you can start to completely separate yourself from the majority in any way you could imagine.


  1. Markus, I really enjoyed reading your blog! This was very insightful and I believe that this will be very beneficial to those who are trying to build their personal brand. - Drew Butera

  2. Hi! I loved reading about your opinions on Chapter 12! The SWOT picture you included was such a great idea. It will help people who are working on building their personal brand.

  3. Well done Markus! This blog was a great read and I believe its extremely important for professionals to develop a personal brand early on and determine their strengths and weaknesses to better their brand.

  4. Markus,
    I enjoyed reading about this chapter and I am glad you talked about SWOT as I believe this is very important. I agree with how you discussed swot and I also think the picture is very helpful!


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