The Return!


The Return ... Welcome Back!!!

As we all know, this is an exciting time of the year. Freshmen and transfer students are starting their next chapter in life and all returning students are ready to continue achieving here at ONU. During this time of year, I often find myself reflecting on what it was back when I was a freshman. Coming from a different cultural background and never having been to Ohio before I had no idea what to expect. I would be lying if I told you I wasn't nervous at first, but also very excited to continue my basketball career and studies in a place like ONU. More University and people rather than location-related though. As I found the people here very welcoming I hope that all incoming students have the same experience as me. If someone in our class is struggling to find a foothold, let me know maybe I can help.

It was awesome seeing all my friends again. I have not seen any of them the whole summer so there was a lot to catch up on. And it was nice to see that even when not seeing them the friendship we had only grew stronger. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that now we are going through another year of school together. Knowing that there will be ups and downs but having the reassurance of having done so already and having good people around us. 

Something else that was brought to my attention through working out on the court and gym is that this excitement I mentioned above is what often drives motivation. At the beginning of the school year the gym and the basketball court see lots of action with people using them during all sorts of times. The gym not really but the basketball court sees a drop in activity a few weeks into the semester. Funny enough it reminds me a bit of the joke having to do with new years resolutions. 

So let us not lose our excitement, be thankful for every day and make ourselves proud!


  1. Excited to see you back again for another semester! Best of luck with basketball coming up here in a few months!

  2. This is going to be my new mantra: "So let us not lose our excitement, be thankful for every day and make ourselves proud!" Thank you Markus


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